Our first story comes from William (Bill) Anonsen.
Some of my personal reflections on the FALLS OF CLYDE
In 1963 as a 4th Grader at Kainalu Elementary in Kailua, I joined many others in the community and the late Bob Krauss in a state-wide fund-raising campaign to save the Falls of Clyde from a fate to sink the hull as part of a breakwater at Vancouver, B. C. Within days of the scheduled scuttling, sufficient funds were raised to buy the ship from the bank holding the mortgage. In the fall of 1963, the Falls of Clyde was taken under tow by the U.S. Navy fleet tug USS Moctobi. While going to school 10-years later I worked as a rigger assisting the Bishop Museum in the restoration work for 3-years. Although we may have the desire and will to preserve this historical grand lady of a by-gone era who sailed the Hawaiian flag and was one of Matson's original vessels, we may not have sufficient financial resources. Let's see what we can do through our collaborative efforts to do what is pono for this grand old lady.